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What is Psoriasis ? Ayurvedic Insights and Principles

Submitted by Amit Sharma on Sat, 09/28/2024 - 11:36

Ayurveda describes psoriasis as an imbalance of doshas, mainly Vata and Pitta, with the accumulation of Ama. Psoriasis is considered a systemic disease that affects deeper planes and is not merely a disease of the skin; rather, it is a reflection of deeper imbalances in the body. These deeper imbalances are associated with digestion, metabolism, and mental well-being.

Ayurvedic View of Psoriasis

Ayurveda describes the condition known as "Sidhma Kushta" or "Ekakushtha," according to the symptoms manifested by the disease. Psoriasis is primarily caused by Vata and Kapha doshas in a way of vitiation, even though Pitta can sometimes be involved, mainly when there is an involvement of any type of inflammation.

  • 1. Vata Dosha: Controls movement and dryness inside the body. The outcome of imbalance of Vata is excessive dryness and scaling of the skin, which are standard symptoms of psoriasis.
  • 2. Kapha Dosha: This has to do with stability and moisture. If Kapha gets imbalanced, then the skin becomes thickened and plaque-like.
  • 3. Pitta Dosha: It is associated with heat and inflammation. When Pitta is involved, then redness and scaliness of the affected areas occur along with burning sensations and itching.

Cause of Psoriasis in Ayurveda

The Ayurvedic cause of psoriasis is generally multi factorial, linked to lifestyle, diet, and mental state.

Major Causes encompass: Virudh Aahar (Incompatible Foods): This is when individuals take foods that are contradictory in nature-for example, dairy with fish or sour foods with milk, thus causing disorder in digestion and generating toxins inside the body.

  • Mandagni: When the digestive fire (Agni) is weak, Ama (toxins) develops in the body and flows in blood. The toxins deposit into the skin, and psoriasis results.
  • Mental Factors: Stress, unconscious emotions, and mental trauma represent a very potent trigger for the eruption of the disease, upsetting the mind-body balance.
  • External Factors: Climate, pollution, and seasonal changes are some of the external conditions that provoke the doshas and thereby aggravate the disease condition of psoriasis.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Ayurveda describes the symptoms of psoriasis through dosha-related imbalances :

  • Vata Dominant Psoriasis : Dryness, roughness, and cracked skin, peeling, or intense itching.
  • Kapha Dominant Psoriasis: Thick scales are associated with an abundance of oiliness, greasiness, oozing, or pus formation.
  • Pitta Dominant Psoriasis: Redness, burning, and inflammation.

Ayurvedic Treatment Principles for Psoriasis

The treatment for psoriasis in Ayurveda is dosha balance, detoxification, or cleansing, and rejuvenation of the digestive power. The primary methods used are as follows:

  • 1. Detoxification (Shodhana Therapy): Panchakarma: Main detoxification procedure in Ayurveda. Includes treatments like Vamana (therapeutic vomiting), Virechana (therapeutic purgation) for cleansing body of the toxins.
  • 2. Herbal Preparations: Ayurvedic herbs such as Neem, Turmeric, Manjistha, and Aloe Verapurify blood and reduce inflammation to promote healthy skin.
  • 3. External Applications: Herbal oils and pastes like Coconut oil, Kumkumadi tailam, Mahatiktaka ghrita applied externally to moisturize, remove itching and scaling.
  • 4. Balanced Diet: Satvic diet, mainly pure and easily digestible food with complete abstention from Vata-increasing food like fried, spicy, and heavy to digest and kapha-increasing food.
  • 5. De-stressing: mind-body techniques like Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation are encouraged to manage stress and anxiety as known to cause psoriasis.
  • 6. Rasayana Therapy or Rejuvenation therapy: Rasayana therapy is provided after detoxification that helps in rejuvenation of body, builds immunity, and supports long-term health of skin.


As understood by Ayurveda, a psoriasis is just not a skin condition but more imbalances in the personal internal self. Treatment involves detoxification and dosha balance, improving digestion, mental peace, and further betterment of the body in the holistic management of psoriasis in Ayurveda.

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