Serving perfection since 1995

Being a woman in India

Submitted by gourav.mehta@i… on Tue, 03/05/2019 - 11:28
international women's day

It is believed that when God got tired of creating only men, he created woman to remove his monotony. God made her life full of adventures which he could later watch from heaven and get amused. There is no denial in the fact that a woman’s journey is no less than a roller coaster ride.

National Executive Committee Meeting and National Workshop on Ayurved Research Methodology in Contemporary Perspective

Submitted by gourav.mehta@i… on Wed, 02/20/2019 - 16:52
Dr. Manoj Virmani

Vishwa Ayurved Parishad organised a National Executive Committee Meeting & National Workshop on Ayurved Research Methodology in Contemporary Perspective in Jodhpur on 16th Feb and 17th Feb which was attended by eminent personalities in the field of science and medicine. Ayurvedguru Dr. Manoj Virmani also attended the event where he illuminated the audience with his wisdom on Ayurveda.

Carrot- A Super Food

Submitted by gourav.mehta@i… on Fri, 01/18/2019 - 16:10
carrot good fo health by ayurved guru

Indian winters are incomplete without us hogging on some scrumptious, crunchy, juicy carrots. Delicious in taste, carrots are loaded with goodness. This seasonal vegetable is the powerhouse of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Beta-Carotene and all other essential nutrients.

Bed Wetting

Submitted by deepak.semwal@… on Fri, 05/18/2018 - 16:11

Bed wetting (Enuresis) means unknowingly passing urine in bed at night by individuals after the age when bladder control should have been established. The problem is common during the pre-adolescent stage of life. Up until the age of six to eight years, bed wetting is a normal phenomenon that fades over time, but some children continue to wet their bed even after eight years of age. The child fails to have control over the passage of urine while sleeping. In Ayurveda, bed wetting is known as shayyamutra, i.e., passing of urine on the bed.


Submitted by deepak.semwal@… on Fri, 05/18/2018 - 16:04

The main symptom for diarrhoea is the passage of loose and liquid stool several times during the day. This condition is usually accompanied by cramps, dehydration, wind and distention in the abdomen, weakness and mild fever. Diarrhoea is caused by either a weak digestive fire or increased pitta. When food is not properly digested or absorbed, it passes out in semi-liquid or watery form. Improper eating habits, such as eating food which the system cannot digest, eating a meal before the previous one is digested, and irregular eating habits, are some of the common causes of diarrhoea.

Psoriasis Treatment - View of A*****a Sharma, an AyurvedGuru Patient

Submitted by deepak.semwal@… on Fri, 11/25/2016 - 16:26

I have been suffering from Psoriasis from the last 12 years. During the tenure, I have tried /taken Homeopathic as well as Allopathic Medicines. In the mid of August, I started medicines prescribed by Dr Manoj Virmani. After starting the medicines, in the same month my monthly cycle got regular and just after that, I got these kinds of patches on my skin (This is psoriasis which was stored deep under the skin because of Allopathic Medicines).

7 health tips that will change your life

Submitted by deepak.semwal@… on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 16:43

Lifestyle activities and health are inter-related. How you live and what you eat have a direct influence on your overall physical and mental well-being.  The day-to-day choices you make determine whether you will be able to maintain vitality as you age or will you otherwise develop numerous life-shortening diseases like heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, lung disorders, etc. Over time, our eating and living habits have changed. Inertia, overindulgence on processed food and lack of physical activities has surrounded most of us.

Top 7 Slimming Super-foods right in your kitchen

Submitted by deepak.semwal@… on Thu, 08/25/2016 - 16:46

Are you finding it difficult to reach the figure of your dreams? Is your over body weight giving you sleepless nights? You have been a gym rat and starved yourself but your efforts have not paid off?  If it is a YES to any of these questions, here is the time for new slimming mantra: “Eat More, Weigh Less” Regular dieting is old school and boring. Here are some slimming superfoods, easily available right in your kitchen. These can easily put your metabolism running. Include them into your daily diet and enjoy a metabolism of a hummingbird!

Acne and Pimples

Submitted by deepak.semwal@… on Thu, 06/18/2015 - 17:33

Acne is a skin condition in which there is excess production of oil from the sebaceous glands leading to the blockage of hair follicles. It is the most common problem of adolescents, therefore, it is known as Yauvanpidika in Ayurveda; Yauvan means ‘adolescence’ and pidika means ‘pustules or papules’. 


Home Remedies:


Submitted by deepak.semwal@… on Wed, 06/17/2015 - 10:52

Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. It is related to vata aggravation. This often manifests as tension and anxiety, related to pain. There is also a natural aggravation of vata in the elderly. In the case of arthritis, the aggravated vata combines with ama (toxin) and is deposited in the joints. This state is called ‘amavata’. Ama (toxin) is the result of improper digestion.