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Treat Psoriasis with Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Submitted by Amit Sharma on Wed, 07/17/2024 - 13:06

Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches, can be both physically and emotionally distressing. Although society has advanced ways of treating it, a large proportion of those affected prefer the Indian medical system when dealing with this disease due its consistent recovery nature towards curing psoriasis. At Ayurved Guru, we provide the Best ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis with the brilliant benefits of the best ayurvedic home remedies for psoriasis with a comprehensive guide to managing this condition naturally.

best ayurvedic home remedies for psoriasis

Connection Between Ayurveda & Psoriasis

The ancient Indian healing system known as Ayurveda is concerned with bringing balance to the body and mind thus enhancing general health. Psoriasis is managed by Ayurveda therapies which purport to cleanse the entire system while ensuring that doshas would be reigned in and such symptoms would be dealt with more efficiently through boosting patient's immunity.

Ayurveda prescribes that any disease is primarily caused by a disturbance in the 3 doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Consequently, By addressing these imbalances through diet, lifestyle modifications, and herbal remedies, Best psoriasis home remedies in ayurveda can provide relief from psoriasis symptoms and prevent flare-ups.

Best Psoriasis Home Remedies in Ayurveda

  • Turmeric: Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb, its paste should be made from water and turmeric powder which aids in decreasing both inflammation and itchiness that are attributed to psoriasis. Just mix together the turmeric powder with some water to create a paste then put on affected parts in order to relieve yourself.
  • Neem: Neem is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is an effective solution for psoriasis, which is a skin condition characterized by red, itchy patches of skin, boiling a few neem leaves in water. After straining the water, wash the affected skin using the liquid obtained.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has soothing and healing properties, When Aloe Vera is applied on the skin, it has a relief and cure that can help relieve psoriasis discomfort. To minimize redness and scratching, the relevant areas can be smeared with fresh aloe vera gel.
  • Ginger: Ginger is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent that helps to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis. Therefore, either consume ginger tea or apply topically on the skin ginger paste to treat it.
  • Coconut Oil: Applying coconut oil to the areas affected is important to maintain skin hydration because it has high concentrations of fatty acids that help in moisturizing the skin as well as alleviating itchiness and swelling.

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Psoriasis

In addition to taking Best psoriasis home remedies in ayurveda, the adoption of particular habits might ease the management of psoriasis. Here are examples.
To ensure stress levels under control, you can do yoga and meditation among other stress reducing techniques. It is advisable to avoid some triggers like smoking; alcohol; processed foods, and excessive sun exposure. Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support overall skin health.

By combining our Best ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis with a healthy lifestyle, individuals can effectively manage psoriasis and improve their quality of life. It is important to consult Ayurved Guru, the qualified and best ayurvedic doctor for psoriasis treatment before making any significant changes to your treatment plan.


When it comes to managing psoriasis, you will find that Best psoriasis home remedies in ayurveda are the perfect way to go about it. This is because these are said to be natural and holistic while addressing some of the issues that are associated with chronic skin conditions. Moreover, By focusing on balancing the body and mind, individuals can find relief from some effects that come with psoriasis such as inflammation (redness), itching or even discomfort (soreness).

With a proper diet and lifestyle changes in place, daily life can incorporate Ayurveda principles into it. This helps a person manage psoriasis well and have better skin at the same time. So, for better relief consult the best ayurvedic doctor for psoriasis treatment, Ayurved Guru.

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