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Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis on Body : Ayurved Guru

Submitted by Amit Sharma on Sat, 06/15/2024 - 14:37

Are you looking for a natural and effective way to treat psoriasis on your body?

Look no further than Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system that has been used for centuries to alleviate various skin conditions, including psoriasis. Ayurved Guru, the Best ayurvedic doctor for psoriasis treatment offers a holistic approach that not only focuses on the symptoms but also on the underlying causes of psoriasis. Ayurved Guru’s Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis on body combines herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, detoxification techniques, and lifestyle modifications to restore balance within the body and promote overall well-being.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis on body and how it can help you achieve healthy and radiant skin.

Ayurvedic Approach to Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a lifelong autoimmune disease which results in the rapid multiplication of skin cells hence the formation of thick, scaly patches on the skin. The patches are usually red, inflamed and itchy and may result in discomfort and embarrassment for those who are affected by this condition. Psoriasis can affect any part of the human body such as the scalp, elbows, knees or even face.

Ayurveda sees psoriasis as the overflow of Pitta dosha in your body. When it becomes imbalanced, Pitta dosha manages metabolism which is why such skin problems as psoriasis can occur. The Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis on body aims at harmonizing all doshas, cleansing blood, and removing harmful substances from organisms so that inner self-healing may occur.

Key Ayurvedic Remedies for Psoriasis

Here are some of the Best psoriasis home remedies in ayurveda that can help alleviate psoriasis symptoms on the body:

Neem: Its antibacterial abilities are responsible for the fame of neem. When suffering from psoriasis, one can decide to employ neem paste or oil in order to calm down inflammation as well as itching.

Turmeric: One of the numerous advantages of turmeric is its characteristic that is an inhibitor of inflammation and oxidation among others making it quite useful for purification of blood and skin. Personal consumption of turmeric or application of turmeric paste on the skin can help reduce psoriasis flare-ups.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a soothing herb for burning and also has healing properties that can be used to calm irritated skin. The application of aloe vera gel onto the area affected can offer a long lasting relief from irritation and inflammations.

Manjistha: Manjistha is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that has blood-purifying properties. When you consume powdered manjistha or put a paste made from it onto your skin, these actions can detoxify your blood leading you to healthier-looking skin.

Lifestyle Changes for Psoriasis Management

In addition to Ayurvedic remedies, making certain lifestyle changes can also help manage psoriasis on the body:

Follow a Pitta-pacifying diet: To avoid making the Pitta dosha worse, stay away from spicy, fried, and also processed foods, while eating smooth and soothing meals instead, like fresh fruits, vegetables, and also whole grains.

Practice stress-reducing activities: Stress often ignites psoriasis outbreaks. To go through activities like yoga, meditation or breathing exercises are some approaches that could reduce stress and enhance general wellness.

Stay hydrated: To prevent dryness and itchiness that are compatible with psoriasis, it is helpful when one takes a lot of water. The importance here is to keep the skin's moisture and remove the toxins that may be harmful if left accumulating in the body, and this process can be enhanced by consuming enough water within a day.


Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis on body, by Ayurved Guru offers a holistic approach to managing psoriasis on the body by addressing the root cause of the condition and promoting overall health and wellbeing.

By incorporating Best psoriasis home remedies in ayurveda and lifestyle changes into your daily routine, you can effectively manage psoriasis and achieve healthy, glowing skin. So why not give Ayurved Guru, the Best ayurvedic doctor for psoriasis treatment a try and experience the transformative benefits for yourself?

What is the best treatment for psoriasis all over the body?

The best Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis on body at Ayurved Guru involves a holistic approach combining herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, detoxification therapies, and lifestyle modifications. Our personalized treatment plans focus on balancing the body's doshas, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall skin health naturally and effectively.

Which treatment is better for psoriasis, homeopathy or Ayurvedic?

Ayurvedic treatment is often considered better for psoriasis due to its holistic approach. Ayurveda focuses on balancing the body's doshas through herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, detoxification, and lifestyle changes, providing comprehensive and long-term management of psoriasis.

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