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Anorectal Disease



Anorectal disorders are conditions that affect the anus and rectum area. Common anal and rectal disorders include hemorrhoids, anal fissures and anal fistulas. For most people, anorectal disorders are a source of worry and embarrassment as well as causing physical pain and discomfort. As food is digested, it passes through the digestive tract. Any waste matter that’s left over is expelled from the body in the form of feces, also called stool. Anal disorders affect the anus, the area where stool is passed. The anus is the end of the digestive tract that connects to the outside of the body. Rectal
disorders affect the rectum, the area above the anus where stool is held before being passed from the body.

Cause Of Anorectal Disease

Poor diet and inadequate hydration:
Low-fiber diets and insufficient fluid intake can lead to constipation, which is a significant risk factor for many anorectal conditions.
Chronic constipation can result in straining during bowel movements, leading to increased pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus, potentially causing hemorrhoids or fissures.
Frequent diarrhea can irritate the anal area and contribute to conditions such as anal fissures or pruritus ani (anal itching).
Being overweight or obese can increase pressure on the pelvic floor and lead to conditions like hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
Pregnancy and childbirth:
The hormonal changes and increased pressure on the pelvic floor during pregnancy can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. Additionally, the strain of childbirth can cause damage to the anal sphincter muscles, leading to fecal incontinence or anal fissures.

Type of Anorectal Disease