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Dry, Cracked skin? Could be a Symptom of Psoriasis

Submitted by Amit Sharma on Thu, 01/18/2024 - 11:35

Are you dealing  with dry and cracked skin that sometime itches or bleed and doesn’t seem to improve no mater what you try?

It could be a symptom of psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin. But don’t fret, there may be hope of  relief in the form of Panchakarma.

Dry and cracked skin can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from environmental conditions, Harsh weather, excessive bath and certain soaps or skin care products can lead towards dryness and cracking.

However, if your dry skin is accompanied by redness, inflammation, and persistent itching, it may be can indication of psoriasis.

Dry, Cracked Skin?

Distinction between Dry Skin and Psoriasis

Differentiating between dry skin and psoriasis can be challenging, as both conditions may exhibits similar symptoms. However, there are a few key differences to look out for.

  • Dry skin is temporary and can be easily remedied with moisturizer, but Psoriasis is a chronic condition that requires specialized treatment.

But if your dry skin persists despite moisturizing regularly and shows signs of inflammation, it is essential to look forward for an ayurvadic treatment for psoriasis from an experienced healthcare professional like Ayurved Guru .

The Panchakarma Approach  

Panchakarma is an ancient wisdom for modern psoriasis treatment which focuses on detoxifying the body and restoring balance to the energies.

According to Ayurveda, is caused by an accumulation of toxins ( ama) in the body, which disrupt the natural balance of energies (doshas).Panchakarma aims to remove these toxins and restore harmony to the doshas.

The primary goal of panchakarma is to remove accumulated toxins from the body. By eliminating these toxins, panchakarma aims to address the root cause various health conditions. This therapy involves a combination of specialized massages, herbal treatment, controlled diets, and lifestyle modification. 

Panchakarma techniques for psoriasis treatment.

At Ayurved Guru, we provide best ayurvadic psoriasis treatment by offering one of the key panchakarma technique “Virechana”, which involves the administration of purgative substances to eliminate toxins form the body.

Additionally, specialized massages, known as Abhyanga, are performed using medicated oils to nourish and rejuvenate  the skin.

From last 2 decades, Ayurved Guru has been working and providing other procedures such as Nasya ( Nasal Administration ), Basti (Medicated Enema) and Raktmokshana (Bloodletting) into the treatment plan, along with Virechana and Abhyanga.


Beyond clinical-treatment, Empower your knowledge at home.

At Ayurved Guru, we not only believe in providing the best psoriasis home remedies in Ayurveda but also deem to spread the mission of ayurveda’s awareness among the people of India and abroad by offering certificate courses in panchakarma

Our online panchakarma therapist and training course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively treat psoriasis. 

One can expect a comprehensive curriculum that covers in-depth understanding of ayurveda, techniques for detoxification and rejuvenation and more.

The online panchakarma course allow you to learn at your own pace and revisit the content whenever needed.


Exploring alternative treatments for psoriasis, if you’re tired of battling with the discomfort and unsightly appearance of  psoriasis, it is worth considering Ayurved Guru’s panchakarma treatment as a potential solution.

Take charge of your health and embark on a transformative journey with our online panchakarma training and courses.

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