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Arthritis क्या है?

Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory, long-lasting, and autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the joints. This results in swollen, warm and painful joints.

What is Arthritis?


Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory, long-lasting, and autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the joints. This results in swollen, warm and painful joints.





1. Joint Pain 2. Joint Tenderness 3. Joint Swelling 4. Numbness in the knee area 5. Decrease in range of motion










  • 1. Osteoporosis 2. Arthritis may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome 3. Leads to heart problems 4. Increases the risk of lung disease and shortness of breath.


1. Injury 2. Inheritance 3. Poor Nutrition 4. Abnormal Metabolism








  • 1. Exercise on a regular basis 2. Eat Omega-3s rich foods like nuts and flax seeds. They reduce inflammation in the body. 3. With age, protect your joints from every day strains.
Ayurvedic Treatment


Ayurvedguru's Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment package can help in treating Arthritis. Here's the link to the package: - The pain relief ointment is a perfect blend of herbs like Laxadi Gugglu, Narayana Thailam, Avipattikar Churnam and Mahayograj Gugglu that not only supply proper nutrients but also helps to get rid of inflammation and pain of the muscles.





Diet & Lifestyle


1. Get Vitamin C and Omega 3's in sufficient amounts to reduce inflammation in the body. 2. Avoid Alcohol 3. Eat Healthy and exercise regularly 4. Track your every kilogram on weighing machine on regularly. As you gain weight, the pain for arthritis increases. 5. Start doing yoga stretches.





Home Remedies



  • 1. Black Pepper is anti-inflammatory and drinking it with warm water on a regular basis can be helpful. 2. The polyphenols in Green Tea provides relief from Arthritis. Replace your normal tea with Green Tea. 3. Garlic not only increase the taste but also decrease the production of cytokines that cause inflammation in knees. Iṭ acts as anti-inflammatory.