Serving perfection since 1995

3/2 month training

Month 2: Practical Experience & Hands-on Training

Week 1: Observing and assisting Dr. Virmani in Panchakarma procedures

• Gaining practical knowledge through live patient interactions

• Understanding pre-procedure considerations and preparation

• Observing patient reactions and managing potential side effects

Week 2: Performing Panchakarma procedures under Dr. Virmani's guidance

• Practicing Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, and other therapies under supervision

• Developing confidence and skill in therapeutic administration

• Learning safety protocols and managing complications

Week 3: Case studies and patient management

• Analyzing patient cases and tailoring Panchakarma treatments

• Developing differential diagnosis and treatment plans

• Communicating effectively with patients and families

Week 4: Independent Panchakarma therapy administration

• Performing Panchakarma treatments under Dr. Virmani's observation

• Taking full responsibility for patient care and monitoring

• Refining skills and gaining confidence in independent practice