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Top 10 Cooling Fruits According to Ayurveda for Summer Wellness

Submitted by promotion@ayur… on Sat, 04/06/2024 - 12:06

1. Watermelon (Tarbooj):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Watermelon is celebrated for its high water content, which aids in hydrating the body and balancing Pitta dosha. Its natural cooling properties are believed to aid digestion and soothe inflammation. The sweetness of watermelon is said to pacify Pitta dosha, making it an excellent choice during hot summers.

2. Coconut (Nariyal):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Coconut is highly regarded in Ayurveda for its cooling properties. Rich in electrolytes and minerals, coconut replenishes the body's fluids, serving as a natural hydrator. Coconut water, in particular, is beneficial for balancing Pitta dosha and alleviating digestive discomfort associated with excessive heat.

3. Cucumber (Kheera):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Cucumber is revered in Ayurveda for its cooling and hydrating effects. It is believed to pacify Pitta dosha and alleviate heat-related imbalances in the body. With its high water content, cucumber helps maintain hydration levels and supports proper digestion during hot weather.

4. Grapes (Angoor):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Grapes are considered a Pitta-pacifying fruit in Ayurveda. They are refreshing and hydrating, making them ideal for cooling the body during summers. Grapes also contain natural sugars that provide instant energy without causing a spike in Pitta dosha.

Top 10 Cooling Fruits

5. Mango (Aam):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Despite its heating nature, ripe mangoes are consumed in moderation during summers in Ayurveda. They are believed to possess Pitta-balancing properties when eaten in the right quantity. Mangoes are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, promoting overall health and vitality.

6. Pomegranate (Anar):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Pomegranate is revered for its cooling and rejuvenating properties in Ayurveda. Its sweet and astringent taste helps in balancing Pitta dosha while supporting digestion. Pomegranate juice is often recommended to quench thirst and alleviate heat-related discomfort.

7. Muskmelon (Kharbooja):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Muskmelon is highly valued in Ayurveda for its cooling and hydrating effects. It is considered beneficial for balancing Pitta dosha and soothing digestive disturbances caused by excessive heat. The juicy flesh of muskmelon makes it a refreshing summer fruit.

8. Lime (Nimbu):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Lime is regarded as a Pitta-pacifying fruit in Ayurveda. Its sour taste stimulates digestion and aids in detoxifying the body. Lime juice, when mixed with water and a pinch of salt, serves as a refreshing drink that replenishes electrolytes and cools the body.

9. Sugarcane (Ganna):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Sugarcane juice is considered a natural coolant in Ayurveda. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, it serves as an excellent thirst-quencher during hot weather. Sugarcane juice is believed to balance Pitta dosha and nourish the body, providing instant energy and hydration.

10. Figs (Anjeer):

Ayurvedic Perspective: Figs are valued for their cooling and nourishing properties in Ayurveda. They are considered beneficial for pacifying Pitta dosha and promoting digestive health. Figs are often soaked overnight and consumed the next day to enhance their cooling effect and improve their digestibility.

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