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Hair Loss क्या है ?

The loss of excess hair from the head due to stress, worry, anxiety, and inadequate nutrition leads to Hairloss. While a certain amount of hair loss is normal as old strands of hair are replaced by new hair. But when the hair loss is in excess, it needs extra care and some serious changes in lifestyle. In absolute Ayurvedic terms, hair loss is known as KHALITYA-PAALITYA.

What is Hair Loss?


The loss of excess hair from the head due to stress, worry, anxiety, and inadequate nutrition leads to Hairloss. While a certain amount of hair loss is normal as old strands of hair are replaced by new hair. But when the hair loss is in excess, it needs extra care and some serious changes in lifestyle. In absolute Ayurvedic terms, hair loss is known as KHALITYA-PAALITYA.

There can be many reasons for Hairloss. Let's see them one by one: -

1. Not oiling the scalp.

2. It can be due to the side-effects of medication.

3. Deficiency of Keratin in the body.

4. Minerals & Vitamins deficiency in the body.

5. Family History.

6. Hairloss can also be caused by exposure to certain chemicals.

  • 1. Massaging your hair regularly helps to stimulate the circulation. Take good quality lavender or almond oil for massaging. It keeps the hair follicles active.
    2. Start using herbal products for your hair and avoid chemical products to apply on hair. Fix yourself to one brand of shampoo and conditioner, instead of changing them continuously. Also try to eliminate tea and coffee, refined foods and drinks from your diet.
    3. Start eating green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits in your diet. Vitamins & Minerals are necessary to promote hair growth. You should also add Omega 3's in your diet for healthy hair growth.
    4. Onion and Lemon Juice are also very helpful in improving the keratin amount and quality of hair.

AyurvedGuru's ayurvedic treatment for hair loss can be helpful in this regard. We have added an array of natural herbs that ensure thick, smooth and lustrous hair. The treatment is also beneficial for premature greying and loss of lustre. It also promotes the re-growth of hair. It works effectively for both men and women.
Not only Ayurvedic supplements, but Panchkarma treatment might also be beneficial in relieving stress and promoting hair growth.
Recommended Panchkarma treatments are Shirovasti, Shiro Abhyanga, Virechan and Shirodhara.
Here's the link to Panchkarma Treatment: -
Here's the link to Hairloss Treatment Package: -